The ‘NEW’ Old Fashioned


The Old Fashioned cocktail came into existence somewhere in the 1900s and began its revolution into what it is today, which can vary slightly depending on where you are. Wisconsin is famous for using Brandy in their Old Fashioned, so much so that most Wisconsiner’s now expect it. Margie Healy, director of public relations for Korbel, states Wisconsin is their number one consumer. “We export 385,000 cases a year and 139,000 go directly to Wisconsin. That’s one-third of our total production.” To say we have a love affair with the stuff would be putting it mildly.

Despite our dear regard to the beloved Wisconsin Old Fashioned, in these next months The High Rock Cafe will be tinkering with the recipe, adding some new wilder flavors to the mix. Featured through February and March we will have the Georgia Old Fashioned, the Woziak Old Fashioned and the Elderflower Old Fashioned. We hope you will grow to love these wilder sides of our much loved and adored classic cocktail. However, if you don’t, we will most definitely have some Korbel on hand.

The Georgia Old Fashioned

The first of our three variations is the Georgia Old Fashioned. This sweet peach of a cocktail is truly yummy. We start off by dropping some peaches into a glass, add a pinch of sage, give them a good splash of peach bitters and then drizzle the whole thing in Templeton Rye Whiskey.

Next we muddle the concoction together, add some ice and give a final squirt of Sierra Mist. The only missing ingredient? Garnish! And voila, a perfect looking (and tasting) cocktail.